I woke up extra early (for me) at 6:15 because I had an interview for a new job. I went to the bathroom and saw what any pregnant woman didnt want to see. I freaked out and hoped I wouldnt have a miscarriage. I wasnt cramping so I felt a little bit better. I went to my interview and did horrible because A.I am horrible at interviews seriously though. and B.I was thinking about what had happened and hour earlier. Well I called my doc the min they were open and they let me come in today even though I had an appointment in one week. Everything checked out to be fine I was just bleeding some. My doctor said to take it easy and stay off my feet the most I could. I told him I was a hostess and he laughed and said, How can you stay off your feet as a Hostess? haha But he said i should be fine. Just to sit down when I can. And then I found out I am two weeks later than I thought. So I am 11 weeks and my due date is set back to June 26. Bummer? yes. BUT I was so happy to know there is still a little sweetie inside of me that if he told me I was a month later I wouldnt of minded. I got to see our little baby again and then went to pay with our new access plan. dun dun dun. Apparently the plan we are on does not accept my doctor. The nurse there called and the lady on the phone said I couldnt change my plan because it had been over 16 days since we had been accepted. I was either going to have to pay for my two visits I already had (which goes all our christmas and birthday money plus more) and switch doctors, which nobody ever wants to do. Or go down to the Access office and see if they would switch plans anyways. SO after an hour of waiting at the DES office they just told me to call this number. I came home, called, and kept getting transfered to recorded voices that of course didnt help at all. Well I finally talked to a real person and told them not to transfer me. They were so helpful and changed everything over! It really had not even been 16 days yet AND they lady told me that I had 30 days anyways! Soooo, lets just say that if I had not had something go wrong and gone to the doctor, I would of had pay a lot of money AND switch doctors. The Lord DOES work in mysterious ways. So What a day. But everything is taken care of and I am happier than ever to have a lil baby inside :) And I sure hope that made sense...
OH and we put up our Huge tree that we love so much and got from Phil's cute Grandma. I know she reads this, so THANK YOU GRANDMA! We love it!
And here is me, and not 13 but 11 weeks. Someone at work told me she thinks I am having twins because I am not far along and already showing. I am not looking for everyone to say im not showing or whatever, but really, twins. Not the BESt thing to say to a pregnant woman I would think.