Well one of the most busy weeks i have ever had is finally over! DANCE! haha it was fun and all but wore me out! last week we had practice mon-wed from 6-11 about. and that saturday before we had practice from 12 to 6!! haha so i was pretty tired from it all. after all those practices we had our recitle thur-sat and we had to be there from 5-9 ish or so. that was so good to get done with. the performance was a lot of fun though! =)
I really didnt have time to do anything though, even eating. My room had been a mess because i had seriously no time to clean it. but finally today i did! woo hoo. my dad came to watch thursday and my mom came saturday, along with my friends and philip! he actually came every night. the first night he didnt get to see me dance r
eally but he had a basketball game. but he still came after. he is GREAT isnt he?!?!
i participated in lots of dances and it was fun. im glad i did it too. now this weekend will be my choir concert which i think will be much more fun. Its more my area and im really excited about it!! wooo, and after all this i shouldnt have to worry bout much. well cept getting married, and finding a job. oh life just does not slow down, but all and all, its way fun and im loving every bit of it!
The pic above is our hip hop and the one to the left is our salsa. the one below well, random dances we were in.