Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hudson's Birth Story

Let me just start out this post with saying I had a very distinct plan on what I THOUGHT would happen.  I based it on my last two labors since they were somewhat similar.  So this is what I figured would go down, and what I was planning on.
Both the other two kids were early and came before I even hit 39 weeks. So I was hoping with everything in me that Hudson would  follow suit.  I had my appointment set up on the 11th of September to get my membranes stripped.  I would be 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant. And with the last two I had them within the next 24 hours. I had good contractions on my own the night I went to the hospital with the others and my water never broke on its own.  In fact, all of my sisters and mom never had their water break on its own so I knew that wouldn't happen.
So that was my plan. Go in Thursday at 1:30 pm get my membranes stripped. Go walk the stair climber at the gym. Then I had a labor inducing massage scheduled that night at 6:30.  Then I figured I'd most likely be having contractions at this point and go into the hospital that night and have him on the 12th. I had the kids scheduled to go to Aunt Raine's Thursday night even, and they were staying for the weekend. Had our families kind of aware, and we were ready to have a baby that weekend!
Well, here is what happened.
Wednesday the 10th I was my last day to get anything ready.  I cleaned my house good Tuesday. And thought I should pack the kids bags for the weekend. I was going to do that Thursday but I was bored so I did it Wednesday.  Kinzi went to preschool, Baiden and I went to the gym. Where the people did tell me I was the best member they had! They asked when I was due and I replied "any day!" and they said, "see that's why you're the best. How many other pregnant women come here everyday?" Made me feel good.  Even though all I really did at the gym at this point was walk on the treadmill. But I walked over 12 miles in a week, not to shabby.
Then Baiden and I went and picked up gift bags for the little gifts Hudson got for them. We then picked Kinzi up from school. Headed home. Ate lunch. Played for a little while, then we all took naps.
I woke up from my nap about 5 ish and totally thought I had peed my pants a little.  Haha I wasn't caught off guard because, being 9 months pregnant, ya know these things happen.  So I didn't think much of it.  Well after dinner and such I kept what I thought was peeing my pants.  I couldn't believe I kept doing it haha.  After putting the kids down, the thought entered my mind that maybe my water was leaking.  Did some google research and started to think it could just be leaking but I still needed to call my doctor. Buuut, I didn't want to. Well, around 11 I headed for bed.  Was about asleep, rolled over and realized that was definitely not pee.  Went to the bathroom and changed my pants for the 5th time haha! Went and told Phil I was pretty sure it was my water leaking.  He convinced me I should call my doctor. So I did. He told me to go to the hospital to have them check if it was indeed amniotic fluid. If it was he asked if I was okay with getting things going and having the baby!  I of course agreed and we called my mom who came to watch the kids, and headed to the hospital.
I was so hungry and figured we should stop for some food if I was going to be having a baby. Grabbed some Carls Jr, I got a oreo ice cream sandwich and fries haha.  Only ate the ice cream and like 2 fries. I was too excited
Once we got to the hospital and checked in the nurse came in and looked and said, "umm yeah you're not going home, your water broke!" I couldn't believe it! Totally NOT what I was expecting.  But that was pretty exciting. And totally gross. I much prefer the doctor to break it all at once instead of it leaking every 5 minutes. But I wasn't having and contractions and was still at a 2 and 50% effaced like I was the week before.  So this was weird being at the hospital and not having any contractions on my own. We also found out in triage that the chord was wrapped around his neck twice.  But the nurses gave me a lowdown on what that meant, and nobody seemed worried, So honestly I never felt worried about it. It was about 1:00am and they said they would check me again at 6:00am to see if I had progressed at all, and if not they would start me on pitocen.  What was cool was that I didn't have to go walk around because I would just be leaking everywhere. I could go relax in bed and rest since it was the middle of the night. But did I sleep? Of course not. I tested positive for strep B again so had to get some rounds of penicillin. Then they checked me at 6 am and I had not progressed at all and was started on Pitocen.  I knew I wanted to get an epidural but obviously not until I felt some good contractions. They had moved me in different positions to help get the contractions more regular and painful.  Once they used the "peanut ball" the nurse mentioned this usually helps women dilate quicker. Sure enough after using it, I called for the epidural and got it around 11am where I was dilated to a 5. Then felt great and was really able to relax and sleep a bit before he came.  About 12:15 they checked me and I was at a 7 then they got me set up on the peanut ball again and the nurse mentioned that most women on their 2nd or 3rd pregnancy/labor at this point would get situated on the peanut ball and then feel pressure and ready to push within 15-20 min. She left and said to call as soon as I felt pressure. I felt funny but never felt pressure with the others so had to have her explain that to me. And once again she was right, I called her in 20 min and they came quick and his head was right there! They hurried and called Dr. Holmes who rushed over.  I was trying my best not to laugh or sneeze or move because I felt like he was going to fall out! As soon as Dr. Holmes walked in I got so excited and emotional! It was time to meet my baby! When his head was about out the doctor pulled the chord off his head, then I pushed for 5-10 min and he was right out! I felt a lot more this time too. Not painful really, but the epidural took enough of the edge off that I felt it and him completely come out, but it didn't hurt.  The nurse put him right on my chest. I held him for a good hour and then they helped me get him to nurse which he did for 45 min!  They let me have all the time with him I wanted.  Then we weighed him and surprisingly was my tiniest baby weighing in at 6lbs 8 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. Perfect. I just couldn't believe he came on his own the day before I was planning. I can't believe my water broke on its own. I am so glad we were prepared to have him that weekend already, or that could have really caught us by surprise! This labor took me most by surprise because it was nothing like the others. Not what I was expecting at all. Which isn't a bad thing, it was actually pretty exciting that way. Just goes to show, you never really can have a set plan like you think, but I'm glad I was prepared!

Hudson Parker Weech
September 11th 2014
1:03 pm
6lbs 8 oz
19 1/2 inches

And now for an overload in pictures.

 I ate so much food every single meal in the hospital. It was wonderful. I cleared my plate every single time.

We are so in love with sweet little Hudson!


Jessie said...

Ohhh, he is so tiny and handsome! What a fun birth story. Even though it was "different" I'm happy it was a smooth and healthy delivery. Now I need to look up what a peanut ball is! Congratulations!!!

Julie said...

So fun to read your story and see pictures! Love that new baby boy and his whole family! Glad I got to come p,ay a while! Love, G. Weech

Lauren said...

I need to see him and hold him! He is so so cute and tiny!! It made me laugh that you thought you kept peeing your pants haha. That labor was definitely different than the others! I'm so happy he's here and Jax and Hudson can be buddies!

Sara said...

How did I miss this post? I loved it! :)