Tuesday, May 17, 2016

March 2016

We started off march with using Phil's Christmas gift. We drove to Peoria and he went on a glider ride.  The kids and I had so much fun waiting.  The airport was basically and old trailer park/camping ground.  We just kind of hung around by the main office. They had some dogs and grassy areas we played in.  Our favorite part was the parakeet they had.  It said "hello" and followed us around and danced for us.

 Baiden loved the truck that looked like Chug from Planes.
 On our way home we stopped at caines and then got Baiden his Tball bat and Helmet for Tball season coming up.

 Hudson has been learning new things. During breakfast one day, I looked up and saw this sight. He can apparently climb now.

 I love when these two boys get along.
 Baiden was excited for some new tennis shoes-or TBALL shoes as he would say.
 We've been enjoying the nice winter grass with our friends.

 Kinzi had Dr. Suess week.  The last week they were encouraged to dress up in their favorite character from Dr. Suess.  She wanted to be Sally but we didn't have anything we could throw together.  I figured I could work with Cat in the Hat and she was good with that idea.
A little bit of hot glue went a long way and I hot glued everything together the night before.  She looked the cutest.

 Again, Hudson with the climbing.
 We went out and "celebrated" sam's birthday, kind of.
 And tried lots of desserts.
 Baiden had his first Tball practice. Chaotic and hilarious.

 Hudson is learning some skills too.
 He is so sweet when he sleeps.
 Walks home from school have been really fun. Kinzi got a little tired one day and asked to ride with Hudson. He didn't mind.

 We finally used our pogo pass and I took the kids to Pump it up for the first day of spring break. We then met dad for lunch since it was right down the street.

 We had a great time!!
 Phil and I had planned a vacation for just the two of us and the nanny we hired got sick 2 nights before we planned on leaving and she ended up on the hospital.  Kinzi made her a cute get well card I sent to her.
We then spent the next day frantically searching for a nanny-which we found.
 This was an awesome practice.  Hudson couldn't figure out how to get down from the bucket so he sat there the whole time.

 Then it was Disneyland time!! We had the best time. No kids. Amazing weather. No kids. Lots of food. No kids. No responsibilities etc etc etc.

 Dan and Raine met us there Friday and we had so much fun running around the park with them that day.

 Saturday before heading home, we went to the beach. It was freezing! I don't know how Phil was playing in the water. I was sitting on the beach fully clothed and with two towels on and still cold.
 We then walked around the beach and got some yummy lunch at Bruxie.

 The bird flew right up on the doc then pooped right there-it was gross, but hilarious.

The kids had such a great time.  I was worried about Kinzi missing us too much, but she flat out said on the phone she wanted us to stay longer. I would prefer it that way though, so glad they had a great time.  It was so nice to know our kids were being taken care of.

 It was nice to come home and see the little munchkins we missed so much. They were excited to see us too.
Hudson loved having mommy back.
 Matching boys at the gym.
 Baiden's first Tball game.
 Fun to see Phil there being an awesome coach.
 He had a rough time when he saw the playground and couldn't go play at it. But after a big fit, I was able to talk some sense into him.
 Kinzi had an Easter Celebration at school and we got to go join her at the park. They had a big Easter egg hunt and decorated graham crackers with frosting and sprinkles.

 We then went to one of our favorite weekends of the year-falcon field air show. 

 We saw uncle Rick there hanging out too.
 Easter morning! Little egg hunters ready to go. They didn't remember about decorating eggs this year, and I was so happy.

 We also watched some good Easter Videos.
 Took our Easter pictures.

 Some which didn't turn out...

Phil was then able to take a work trip to Brazil! Something we couldn't believe actually went through. He got his Visa the day before the flight.

 He was even able to go to the temple there one night.

 Then got to do a little tour in Rio. 
 He took Kinzi's Flat Stanley on adventures.

 He had such a great time. We missed him, but we were glad he got to go.
We also went to Pinetop this month for Dallan's baptism.  After the sweet baptism we all hung out in the nice cool weather then played softball.
A lot of traveling this month, and a lot of good fun memories.

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