Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bebe boy.

My friend Kayla was at it again.  She took some newborn pictures of Baiden boy and I couldn't be more pleased.

 My most favorite, favorite ;) 

For his Daddy.

This one is just so special to me. He is wearing his uncle Barton's tie.

His BFF's

And a cute before and after shot.  He is much cuter after...


Jessie said...

Love the last two! Cute idea. :) I love his hair.

The Roberts Family said...

I love the picture of the before and after!!!! Oh so cute! Yes, he is much cuter after. Even though you wear pregnancy like perfectly! :)
You make such adorable babies!
P.s. Theron needs to play with his best friends again. He said so.

Lauren said...

I love the one of him laying on his books kind of smiling. He is so adorable and tiny! I could eat him whole. You guys did gooooood!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

Before and after is soooooo cute! He's adorable!

Trisha said...

He is so adorable Sophie! We need to come over and meet him :)